
The Battle For Middle Earth Game.dat
The Battle For Middle Earth Game.dat

The Battle For Middle Earth Game.dat

This file is typically located in "C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Battle for Middle-earth™\lotrbfme.exe". You will need to provide your software firewall with the actual path to the

The Battle For Middle Earth Game.dat

If you are playing The Battle for Middle-earth™ behind a software firewall, you will need to add the game's executable to the "Exceptions or Allowed Programs" list provided by your software firewall. Additionally, Belkin and USRobotics routers will also have difficulty connecting to D-Link DI-604 routers via Quick Match. It should also be noted that Belkin and USRobotics routers have irresolvable issues, but only when attempting to connect to each other via Quick Match. Please note that if you have multiple players behind a single D-Link DI-604 connection, you may experience difficulty connecting. More details about refresh NAT can be found at the bottom of the NAT/Firewall portion of the readme. If you update your Options.ini file, you should not refresh NAT. Windows will prompt you whether or not you wish to save-choose "Yes". When you've finished adding these lines, close the options.ini file. At the bottom of the file, add the following lines: To edit the options.ini file, right-click on it with your mouse cursor, and select "Edit". To access this folder, please check the Save Games and Settings section of this readme above.

The Battle For Middle Earth Game.dat

The options.ini is located in your "My Battle for Middle-earth Files" folder. If you are playing the game behind a D-Link DI-604, you will need to add two lines to the options.ini file. See the D-Link support Web site for details on how to do so. Additionally, if you are playing behind a D-Link DI-704, you will need to upgrade its firmware to version 2.75 build 3 or later. To get here from the Main Menu, click on the Multiplayer button, click the Online button, login as you regularly would, and then click on Options after you have successfully logged on. If you are playing the game behind a D-Link router, you must check the "Send Delay" box in the Online Options menu for The Battle for Middle-earth™. See the USRobotics support Web site for details on how to do so. If you are playing The Battle for Middle-earth™ behind a USRobotics router, you will need to upgrade its firmware to the latest version, v2.7 or later. Opening this whole range helped players before, but we do not recommend doing this. Once you have done that you must go to your router and go to your NAT options there you open the port 27901 on UDP.ĮA suggest opening the whole port range: UDP 8088-28088. Select all lines that contains the word Firewall and replace it with this In this folder you see a file called options.ini, click on it and do the following. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\Name of your account\Application Data\My Battle for Middle-earth files For more detailed info check the source:

The Battle For Middle Earth Game.dat